About Us

Hello World!
We at DeNim Articles are made up of an awesome team of four people! We work hard to bring you portable latest info on genetics in your jeans. Helping you find what you need is in our genes. 😉


Sahar is an avid reader first and student second 😀 . With brown hair and brown eyes, she still hasn’t forgiven her green-eyed father’s recessive genes. She has the normal blood type A (and if you believe blood type personality, is outwardly calm, a perfectionist as well as shy, conscientious, trustworthy, and sensitive.) She enjoys designing websites and blogging.

Roles: Comic Artist, Editor.



Faith R. is a seemingly typical high school student aspiring to become a writer of sorts. She has dark brown hair and eyes with a mysterious blood type of either O or B. She can be found taking photos, reading/squealing over books, enthusing over narwhals, as well as struggling to be productive. They say that it’s likely that her mystical powers in her unknown blood type keep the procrastination monsters at bay, though never long enough. One day, she will venture out into the arctic and into the unknown; they also say it’s in her blood… type.

Roles: Book ReviewER

Lizzie PRATT:


Hi, my name is Lizzie Pratt. I am 16. I have recessive traits, like blonde hair, blue eyes and the unique O blood type! I really enjoy sailing and skiing in my off time. My summer consists of me coaching little sailors and my winter consists of me teaching little skiers!

Roles: Business Correspondent


Andy St John is a green eyed lad with dirty blond hair. He is of the mysterious blood type  Not-Even-My-Mom-Knows. He enjoys watching and reviewing movies in real life (not just for a biology project), is a film and history buff as well as a photographer. He enjoys dragon boating and skiing (and is on both Leaside teams).

Roles: Movie Reviewer, Entertainment Specialist

[ D I S C L A I M E R : All banners and backgrounds are our own creations unless otherwise stated/linked. ]